
[NSX] Generating support bundles fail after replacing certificates.

haewon83 2025. 2. 10. 08:08


NSX Manager의 인증서 중 APH-TN 인증서를 갱신하고 나서 Support Bundle 수집에 문제가 생기는 경우가 발생할 수 있습니다.

이러한 경우에는 NSX Manager 각 Node의 APH-TN 인증서를 각 Node의 UID를 이용하여 신규 생성 후 다시 갱신이 필요합니다.



인증서 교체 후, NSX Manager UI에서 Support Bundle 수집 시 실패 현상 발생


[Troubleshooting Notes]

1. NSX 버전

$ cat ./etc/nsx_issue
node-type: nsx-manager nsx-policy-manager nsx-controller
build-type: release
export-type: unrestricted



2. Bundle 수집 요청 이력 확인
※ "New bundle request received", "Collecting support bundle content" 키워드 활용

$ grep "New bundle request received" syslog*
syslog:2025-01-24T00:20:48.388Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received
syslog.6:2025-01-23T00:07:38.398Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received
syslog.6:2025-01-23T00:08:35.876Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received while another request already in progress
syslog.6:2025-01-23T00:27:09.872Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received
syslog.6:2025-01-23T01:34:17.558Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received
syslog.6:2025-01-23T01:53:00.741Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1518 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="sbundle" tid="1551" level="INFO"] New bundle request received

$ grep "Collecting support bundle content" syslog*
syslog.7:2025-01-23T01:05:38.602Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for local node: c5cd1242-9409-f80d-4d7a-98c725a494a6
syslog.7:2025-01-23T01:53:00.665Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for remote node: d8381242-37d2-faf6-39e2-01a198652f06 (49868bd3b249de22df85)
syslog.7:2025-01-23T01:53:00.672Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for remote node: 25cb1242-0cf5-8b9b-c967-c6fa21078dfc (6fd042058e4880f0152d)
syslog.7:2025-01-23T02:00:19.555Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for local node: c5cd1242-9409-f80d-4d7a-98c725a494a6


3. NSX Manager Node ID 확인

25cb1242-0cf5-8b9b-c967-c6fa21078dfc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Node01
d8381242-37d2-faf6-39e2-01a198652f06 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Node02
c5cd1242-9409-f80d-4d7a-98c725a494a6 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Node03


4. 2번과 3번 NSX Manager Node에서 다음과 같이 RPC 호출 실패 확인

2025-01-23T01:52:59.532Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Support bundle requested for 3 nodes
2025-01-23T01:53:00.665Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for remote node: d8381242-37d2-faf6-39e2-01a198652f06 (49868bd3b249de22df85)
2025-01-23T01:53:00.672Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="INFO"] Collecting support bundle content for remote node: 25cb1242-0cf5-8b9b-c967-c6fa21078dfc (6fd042058e4880f0152d)
2025-01-23T01:53:00.735Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="ERROR" errorCode="NOD101"] Error invoking method RpcMsgHandler on remote node c24eacc3-70e0-4f50-ae78-0c7138a2ec0a code 13 status: CallStatus(code=UNAVAILABLE, message="Requested service vmware.nsx.support_bundle.BundleHostService is not registered with forwarder. Check with service provider")
2025-01-23T01:53:00.736Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1751 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="node-mgmt" username="root" level="ERROR" errorCode="NOD101"] Invoking support bundle status request on d8381242-37d2-faf6-39e2-01a198652f06 failed


6. 관련 KB 내용 토대로 확인
After replacing APH-TN or APH-AR certificates, connections between Manager nodes or between GM and LM are disconnected


7. ./var/log/vmware/appl-proxy-rpc.log 로그 확인

    2025-01-24T00:25:02.123Z <HOSTNAME> NSX 1831 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="appl-proxy" s2comp="nsx-net" tid="1852" level="ERROR" errorCode="NET1111"]
    Certificate validation failed: 18-self signed certificate
    #012    Data:
    #012        Version: 3 (0x2)
    #012        Serial Number: 1736836228533 (0x1946381a5b5)
    #012    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
    #012        Issuer: CN=VMware-NSX-ApplProxyHub; C=KR
    #012        Validity
    #012            Not Before: Jan 14 06:30:28 2025 GMT
    #012            Not After : Apr 19 06:30:28 2027 GMT
    #012        Subject: CN=VMware-NSX-ApplProxyHub; C=KR
    #012        Subject Public Key Info:
    #012            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
    #012                Public-Key: (2048 bit)


8. NSX Manager 각 Node의 UID 확인 후, 각 Node별 CN(Common Name) 설정

$ cat ./etc/vmware/nsx-appl-proxy/appl-proxy-public-cfg.json
{ "uuid" : "f7b7fdf0-82fd-4439-b523-7a1f879e19f8" }
$ cat ./etc/vmware/nsx-appl-proxy/appl-proxy-public-cfg.json
{ "uuid" : "c24eacc3-70e0-4f50-ae78-0c7138a2ec0a" }
$ cat ./etc/vmware/nsx-appl-proxy/appl-proxy-public-cfg.json
{ "uuid" : "2e607d21-708c-4548-b8f4-62fe2a06623b" }


9. 위 CN을 이용하여, Self-Signed Certificate 생성하고 갱신 요청