

haewon83 2023. 2. 5. 16:23


5. Handle

여러 Create 함수들(CreateFile()...)을 호출할 때, Kernel Object가 생성되는데 이를 User mode 프로세스가 접근하기 위한 방법이 필요합니다. 이 때 사용되는 것이 Handle 입니다.

Handle은 Windows의 Subsystem 중 Object Manager가 Kernel Object 생성 시, Return 해주는 값으로 Handle은 프로세스와 관련된 값으로 프로세스가 이를 관리할 필요가 있습니다.


특정 프로세스와 연관된 모든 Handle은 !handle extension을 이용하여 조회할 수 있습니다.

이 extension은 EPROCESS 구조체에 있는 ObjectTable 필드 값에 저장되어 있는 _HANDLE_TALBE 포인터 주소를 이용합니다.

!handle extension 사용 시 내가 조회하고자 하는 프로세스의 EPROCESS 구조체 주소를 이용해야 합니다.

3: kd> !process 0 0 notepad.exe
PROCESS ffffbc0c19c33080
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 0318    Peb: c1e88f0000  ParentCid: 1010
    DirBase: 1161d5000  ObjectTable: ffff918d8b13f600  HandleCount: 245.
    Image: notepad.exe

2: kd> !handle 0 f ffffbc0c19c33080
PROCESS ffffbc0c19c33080
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 0318    Peb: c1e88f0000  ParentCid: 1010
    DirBase: 1161d5000  ObjectTable: ffff918d8b13f600  HandleCount: 245.
    Image: notepad.exe
Handle table at ffff918d8b13f600 with 245 entries in use
0004: Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  GrantedAccess: 001f0003 (Protected) (Inherit) Entry: ffff918d8b1ff010
Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  Type: (ffffbc0c15a9c380) Event
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c1a170330 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768
0008: Object: ffffbc0c1a170560  GrantedAccess: 001f0003 (Protected) (Inherit) Entry: ffff918d8b1ff020
Object: ffffbc0c1a170560  Type: (ffffbc0c15a9c380) Event
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c1a170530 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32769

03e4: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1fff90, Next Entry 0000000000000000
03e8: Object: ffffbc0c16c476c0  GrantedAccess: 001f0001 (Protected) Entry: ffff918d8b1fffa0
Object: ffffbc0c16c476c0  Type: (ffffbc0c15af3560) ALPC Port
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c16c47690 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768
03ec: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1fffb0, Next Entry 0000000000000000
03f0: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1fffc0, Next Entry ffff918d8b1fffb0
03f4: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1fffd0, Next Entry ffff918d8b1fffe0
03f8: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1fffe0, Next Entry ffff918d8b1ffff0
03fc: free handle, Entry address ffff918d8b1ffff0, Next Entry 0000000000000000


프로세스에는 여러 Handle이 연관되어 있을 수 있으며, 개별 Handle은 Handle 값을 이용하여 별도로 조회도 가능합니다.

아래 예제는 위에서 조회된 Handle 중 0x0004 값을 가지고 있는 Handle을 조회하는 경우입니다.

2: kd> !handle 4 f ffffbc0c19c33080

PROCESS ffffbc0c19c33080
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 0318    Peb: c1e88f0000  ParentCid: 1010
    DirBase: 1161d5000  ObjectTable: ffff918d8b13f600  HandleCount: 245.
    Image: notepad.exe

Handle table at ffff918d8b13f600 with 245 entries in use

0004: Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  GrantedAccess: 001f0003 (Protected) (Inherit) Entry: ffff918d8b1ff010
Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  Type: (ffffbc0c15a9c380) Event
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c1a170330 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768


6. Object

CreateFile()과 같은 함수가 호출되면 Kernel의 Object가 생성된다고 말씀드렸습니다.

이러한 Kernel Object는 Windows Subsystem의 Object Manager가 생성/삭제/변경을 담당하며, Object Manager는 Object를 계층 구조로 관리합니다.


전체 Object를 조회할 때, !object extension과 Root Namespace를 가리키는 "\"를 이용할 수 있습니다.

2: kd> !object \
Object: ffff918d85608060  Type: (ffffbc0c15a73640) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffff918d85608030 (new version)
    HandleCount: 0  PointerCount: 57
    Directory Object: 00000000  Name: \

    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     01  ffffbc0c1686ff90 Mutant                    PendingRenameMutex
         ffff918d85607ba0 Directory                 ObjectTypes
     02  ffffbc0c190fb160 FilterConnectionPort      storqosfltport
     03  ffffbc0c163c1550 FilterConnectionPort      MicrosoftMalwareProtectionRemoteIoPortWD
     05  ffff918d8560d060 SymbolicLink              SystemRoot
     06  ffff918d85e32380 Directory                 Sessions
         ffffbc0c163c02c0 FilterConnectionPort      MicrosoftMalwareProtectionVeryLowIoPortWD

     36  ffffbc0c18e93980 Event                     SAM_SERVICE_STARTED
         ffff918d856adea0 Directory                 Driver
         ffff918d85643de0 Directory                 DriverStores


Root namespace 부터 시작해서 계층별로 차례로 내려가면서 조회도 가능합니다.

2: kd> !object \sessions
Object: ffff918d85e32380  Type: (ffffbc0c15a73640) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffff918d85e32350 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 5
    Directory Object: ffff918d85608060  Name: Sessions
    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     11  ffff918d88f26840 Directory                 0
     12  ffff918d88f262a0 Directory                 1
     21  ffff918d88f27ce0 Directory                 BNOLINKS
2: kd> !object \sessions\0
Object: ffff918d88f26840  Type: (ffffbc0c15a73640) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffff918d88f26810 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32771
    Directory Object: ffff918d85e32380  Name: 0
    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     06  ffff918d88f26660 Directory                 AppContainerNamedObjects
     10  ffff918d85e92d00 SymbolicLink              Windows
     16  ffff918d88f26a20 Directory                 DosDevices
2: kd> !object \sessions\0\DosDevices
Object: ffff918d88f26a20  Type: (ffffbc0c15a73640) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffff918d88f269f0 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 8
    Directory Object: ffff918d88f26840  Name: DosDevices
    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     04  ffff918d89162560 Directory                 00000000-00008fc6
     05  ffff918d89161de0 Directory                 00000000-000003e4
     06  ffff918d892901a0 Directory                 00000000-000003e5
     22  ffff918d8a1ff190 Directory                 00000000-00064a4a
     27  ffff918d8928f0c0 Directory                 00000000-0000dd41
         ffff918d89161840 Directory                 00000000-00008f79
2: kd> !object \sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-00008fc6
Object: ffff918d89162560  Type: (ffffbc0c15a73640) Directory
    ObjectHeader: ffff918d89162530 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 4
    Directory Object: ffff918d88f26a20  Name: 00000000-00008fc6
    Hash Address          Type                      Name
    ---- -------          ----                      ----
     18  ffff918d890c6f60 SymbolicLink              Global


Object Manager가 관리하는 Namespace는 Microsoft의 Winobj 도구를 이용하여 UI로도 확인이 가능합니다.


Handle은 모두 Object와 연관되어 있다고 말씀드렸습니다. 이 Object는 Object Header와 Object Type으로 구성되는데요. 

!handle을 통해서 조회했던 아래 결과를 이용하여, Object Header와 Object Type을 조회할 수 있습니다.

참고로 Object Header는 Object 주소에서 -0x30 만큼 Offset을 이동하면 구할 수 있습니다.

0004: Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  GrantedAccess: 001f0003 (Protected) (Inherit) Entry: ffff918d8b1ff010
Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  Type: (ffffbc0c15a9c380Event
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c1a170330 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768

2: kd> !object ffffbc0c1a170360  
Object: ffffbc0c1a170360  Type: (ffffbc0c15a9c380) Event
    ObjectHeader: ffffbc0c1a170330 (new version)
    HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 32768

2: kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER ffffbc0c1a170330
   +0x000 PointerCount     : 0n32768
   +0x008 HandleCount      : 0n1
   +0x008 NextToFree       : 0x00000000`00000001 Void
   +0x010 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x018 TypeIndex        : 0x16 ''
   +0x019 TraceFlags       : 0 ''
   +0x019 DbgRefTrace      : 0y0
   +0x019 DbgTracePermanent : 0y0
   +0x01a InfoMask         : 0x8 ''
   +0x01b Flags            : 0 ''
   +0x01b NewObject        : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelObject     : 0y0
   +0x01b KernelOnlyAccess : 0y0
   +0x01b ExclusiveObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b PermanentObject  : 0y0
   +0x01b DefaultSecurityQuota : 0y0
   +0x01b SingleHandleEntry : 0y0
   +0x01b DeletedInline    : 0y0
   +0x01c Reserved         : 0
   +0x020 ObjectCreateInfo : 0xffffbc0c`16b2ccc0 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION
   +0x020 QuotaBlockCharged : 0xffffbc0c`16b2ccc0 Void
   +0x028 SecurityDescriptor : (null) 
   +0x030 Body             : _QUAD

2: kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_TYPE ffffbc0c15a9c380
   +0x000 TypeList         : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffbc0c`15a9c380 - 0xffffbc0c`15a9c380 ]
   +0x010 Name             : _UNICODE_STRING "Event"
   +0x020 DefaultObject    : (null) 
   +0x028 Index            : 0x10 ''
   +0x02c TotalNumberOfObjects : 0x1ba1
   +0x030 TotalNumberOfHandles : 0x1d54
   +0x034 HighWaterNumberOfObjects : 0x1ca8
   +0x038 HighWaterNumberOfHandles : 0x1e7d
   +0x040 TypeInfo         : _OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER
   +0x0b8 TypeLock         : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x0c0 Key              : 0x6e657645
   +0x0c8 CallbackList     : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0xffffbc0c`15a9c448 - 0xffffbc0c`15a9c448 ]


7. Token

마지막으로 Security와 관련된 Token에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.

!process extension으로 EPROCESS 구조체를 조회하면 아래 결과와 같이 Token 이라는 값을 볼 수 있습니다.

2: kd> !process 0 5 notepad.exe
PROCESS ffffbc0c19c33080
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 0318    Peb: c1e88f0000  ParentCid: 1010
    DirBase: 1161d5000  ObjectTable: ffff918d8b13f600  HandleCount: 245.
    Image: notepad.exe
    VadRoot ffffbc0c1a056140 Vads 101 Clone 0 Private 586. Modified 4. Locked 0.
    DeviceMap ffff918d8a6b9470
    Token                             ffff918d8b54a060
    ElapsedTime                       00:16:59.642
    UserTime                          00:00:00.015
    KernelTime                        00:00:00.015
    QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool]         262504
    QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool]      14256
    Working Set Sizes (now,min,max)  (3872, 50, 345) (15488KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
    PeakWorkingSetSize                3784
    VirtualSize                       2101419 Mb
    PeakVirtualSize                   2101423 Mb
    PageFaultCount                    3930
    MemoryPriority                    BACKGROUND
    BasePriority                      8
    CommitCharge                      722
        THREAD ffffbc0c1a1a5080  Cid 0318.0354  Teb: 000000c1e88f1000 Win32Thread: ffffbc0c1a0813a0 WAIT
        THREAD ffffbc0c1a165080  Cid 0318.12cc  Teb: 000000c1e88f9000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT
        THREAD ffffbc0c1a19d080  Cid 0318.0d58  Teb: 000000c1e88fb000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT
        THREAD ffffbc0c1a19c080  Cid 0318.0cd4  Teb: 000000c1e88fd000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT


Token 구조체는 !token extension을 이용하여 조회해볼 수 있습니다.

당연히 _TOKEN 구조체로도 직접 조회가 가능합니다.

2: kd> !token ffff918d8b54a060
_TOKEN 0xffff918d8b54a060
TS Session ID: 0x1
User: S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-500
User Groups:
 00 S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-513
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 01 S-1-1-0
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 02 S-1-5-114
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 03 S-1-5-32-544
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled Owner
 04 S-1-5-32-545
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 05 S-1-5-4
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 06 S-1-2-1
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 07 S-1-5-11
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 08 S-1-5-15
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 09 S-1-5-113
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 10 S-1-5-5-0-412130
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled LogonId
 11 S-1-2-0
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 12 S-1-5-64-10
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 13 S-1-16-12288
    Attributes - GroupIntegrity GroupIntegrityEnabled
Primary Group: S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-513
 05 0x000000005 SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege          Attributes -
 08 0x000000008 SeSecurityPrivilege               Attributes -
 09 0x000000009 SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege          Attributes -
 10 0x00000000a SeLoadDriverPrivilege             Attributes -
 11 0x00000000b SeSystemProfilePrivilege          Attributes -
 12 0x00000000c SeSystemtimePrivilege             Attributes -
 13 0x00000000d SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege   Attributes -
 14 0x00000000e SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege   Attributes -
 15 0x00000000f SeCreatePagefilePrivilege         Attributes -
 17 0x000000011 SeBackupPrivilege                 Attributes -
 18 0x000000012 SeRestorePrivilege                Attributes -
 19 0x000000013 SeShutdownPrivilege               Attributes -
 20 0x000000014 SeDebugPrivilege                  Attributes -
 22 0x000000016 SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege      Attributes -
 23 0x000000017 SeChangeNotifyPrivilege           Attributes - Enabled Default
 24 0x000000018 SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege         Attributes -
 25 0x000000019 SeUndockPrivilege                 Attributes -
 28 0x00000001c SeManageVolumePrivilege           Attributes -
 29 0x00000001d SeImpersonatePrivilege            Attributes - Enabled Default
 30 0x00000001e SeCreateGlobalPrivilege           Attributes - Enabled Default
 33 0x000000021 SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege     Attributes -
 34 0x000000022 SeTimeZonePrivilege               Attributes -
 35 0x000000023 SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege     Attributes -
 36 0x000000024 SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege  Attributes -
Authentication ID:         (0,64a4a)
Impersonation Level:       Anonymous
TokenType:                 Primary
Source: User32             TokenFlags: 0x2000 ( Token in use )
Token ID: 82af5            ParentToken ID: 0
Modified ID:               (0, 7ed7c)
RestrictedSidCount: 0      RestrictedSids: 0x0000000000000000
OriginatingLogonSession: 3e7
PackageSid: (null)
CapabilityCount: 0      Capabilities: 0x0000000000000000
LowboxNumberEntry: 0x0000000000000000
Security Attributes:
Unable to get the offset of nt!_AUTHZBASEP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE.ListLink
Process Token TrustLevelSid: (null)

2: kd> dt _TOKEN 0xffff918d8b54a060

   +0x000 TokenSource      : _TOKEN_SOURCE
   +0x010 TokenId          : _LUID
   +0x018 AuthenticationId : _LUID
   +0x020 ParentTokenId    : _LUID
   +0x028 ExpirationTime   : _LARGE_INTEGER 0x7fffffff`ffffffff
   +0x030 TokenLock        : 0xffffbc0c`1a170d90 _ERESOURCE
   +0x038 ModifiedId       : _LUID
   +0x040 Privileges       : _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
   +0x058 AuditPolicy      : _SEP_AUDIT_POLICY
   +0x078 SessionId        : 1
   +0x07c UserAndGroupCount : 0xf
   +0x080 RestrictedSidCount : 0
   +0x084 VariableLength   : 0x1dc
   +0x088 DynamicCharged   : 0x1000
   +0x08c DynamicAvailable : 0
   +0x090 DefaultOwnerIndex : 4
   +0x098 UserAndGroups    : 0xffff918d`8b54a4f0 _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
   +0x0a0 RestrictedSids   : (null)
   +0x0a8 PrimaryGroup     : 0xffff918d`8ac2de10 Void
   +0x0b0 DynamicPart      : 0xffff918d`8ac2de10  -> 0x501
   +0x0b8 DefaultDacl      : 0xffff918d`8ac2de2c _ACL
   +0x0c0 TokenType        : 1 ( TokenPrimary )
   +0x0c4 ImpersonationLevel : 0 ( SecurityAnonymous )
   +0x0c8 TokenFlags       : 0x2000
   +0x0cc TokenInUse       : 0x1 ''
   +0x0d0 IntegrityLevelIndex : 0xe
   +0x0d4 MandatoryPolicy  : 3
   +0x0d8 LogonSession     : 0xffff918d`8a0567b0 _SEP_LOGON_SESSION_REFERENCES
   +0x0e0 OriginatingLogonSession : _LUID
   +0x0e8 SidHash          : _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH
   +0x1f8 RestrictedSidHash : _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH
   +0x308 pSecurityAttributes : 0xffff918d`8ad91710 _AUTHZBASEP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION
   +0x310 Package          : (null)
   +0x318 Capabilities     : (null)
   +0x320 CapabilityCount  : 0
   +0x328 CapabilitiesHash : _SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES_HASH
   +0x438 LowboxNumberEntry : (null)
   +0x440 LowboxHandlesEntry : (null)
   +0x448 pClaimAttributes : (null)
   +0x450 TrustLevelSid    : (null)
   +0x458 TrustLinkedToken : (null)
   +0x460 IntegrityLevelSidValue : (null)
   +0x468 TokenSidValues   : (null)
   +0x470 IndexEntry       : 0xffff918d`8aa24950 _SEP_LUID_TO_INDEX_MAP_ENTRY
   +0x478 DiagnosticInfo   : (null)
   +0x480 BnoIsolationHandlesEntry : (null)
   +0x488 SessionObject    : 0xffffbc0c`167264f0 Void
   +0x490 VariablePart     : 0xffff918d`8b54a5e0


!token extension에 -n 옵션을 추가하면, 조회된 SID 값들과 Mapping 되는 사용자 또는 그룹명을 확인할 수 있습니다.

2: kd> !token ffff918d8b54a060 -n
_TOKEN 0xffff918d8b54a060
TS Session ID: 0x1
User: S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-500 (no name mapped)
User Groups:
 00 S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-513 (no name mapped)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 01 S-1-1-0 (Well Known Group: localhost\Everyone)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 02 S-1-5-114 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\Local account and member of Administrators group)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 03 S-1-5-32-544 (Alias: BUILTIN\Administrators)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled Owner
 04 S-1-5-32-545 (Alias: BUILTIN\Users)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 05 S-1-5-4 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 06 S-1-2-1 (Well Known Group: localhost\CONSOLE LOGON)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 07 S-1-5-11 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 08 S-1-5-15 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\This Organization)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 09 S-1-5-113 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\Local account)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 10 S-1-5-5-0-412130 Unrecognized SID
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled LogonId
 11 S-1-2-0 (Well Known Group: localhost\LOCAL)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 12 S-1-5-64-10 (Well Known Group: NT AUTHORITY\NTLM Authentication)
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 13 S-1-16-12288 (Label: Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level)
    Attributes - GroupIntegrity GroupIntegrityEnabled
Primary Group: S-1-5-21-965212738-2267896331-1051282314-513 (no name mapped)
 05 0x000000005 SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege          Attributes -
 08 0x000000008 SeSecurityPrivilege               Attributes -
 09 0x000000009 SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege          Attributes -
 10 0x00000000a SeLoadDriverPrivilege             Attributes -
 11 0x00000000b SeSystemProfilePrivilege          Attributes -
 12 0x00000000c SeSystemtimePrivilege             Attributes -
 13 0x00000000d SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege   Attributes -
 14 0x00000000e SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege   Attributes -
 15 0x00000000f SeCreatePagefilePrivilege         Attributes -
 17 0x000000011 SeBackupPrivilege                 Attributes -
 18 0x000000012 SeRestorePrivilege                Attributes -
 19 0x000000013 SeShutdownPrivilege               Attributes -
 20 0x000000014 SeDebugPrivilege                  Attributes -
 22 0x000000016 SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege      Attributes -
 23 0x000000017 SeChangeNotifyPrivilege           Attributes - Enabled Default
 24 0x000000018 SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege         Attributes -
 25 0x000000019 SeUndockPrivilege                 Attributes -
 28 0x00000001c SeManageVolumePrivilege           Attributes -
 29 0x00000001d SeImpersonatePrivilege            Attributes - Enabled Default
 30 0x00000001e SeCreateGlobalPrivilege           Attributes - Enabled Default
 33 0x000000021 SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege     Attributes -
 34 0x000000022 SeTimeZonePrivilege               Attributes -
 35 0x000000023 SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege     Attributes -
 36 0x000000024 SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege  Attributes -
Authentication ID:         (0,64a4a)
Impersonation Level:       Anonymous
TokenType:                 Primary
Source: User32             TokenFlags: 0x2000 ( Token in use )
Token ID: 82af5            ParentToken ID: 0
Modified ID:               (0, 7ed7c)
RestrictedSidCount: 0      RestrictedSids: 0x0000000000000000
OriginatingLogonSession: 3e7
PackageSid: (null)
CapabilityCount: 0      Capabilities: 0x0000000000000000
LowboxNumberEntry: 0x0000000000000000
Security Attributes:
Unable to get the offset of nt!_AUTHZBASEP_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE.ListLink
Process Token TrustLevelSid: (null)


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