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[Operations] Network Ports - Remote Collector/Cloud Proxy

포트 오픈 확인 방법

$VMWARE_PYTHON_3_BIN /usr/lib/vmware-casa/bin/Netcheck.py



위 링크 참고


Source Destination Port Protocols Service
Remote Collector
Cloud Proxy
Primary Node 123 UDP NTP
Primary Node 6061 TCP Geode Locator
Data Node 10000 TCP Geode Server
Replica Node 6061 TCP Geode Locator
Data Node 80 TCP HTTP
Replica Node 123 UDP NTP
Data Node 443 TCP HTTPS
Primary Node Remote Collector
Application Remote Collector
Cloud Proxy
9000 TCP ucpapi service
Primary Node 8883 TCP Data plan(Emqtt)
Data Node 80 TCP HTTP
Data Node 443 TCP HTTPS
EP Agent 443 TCP HTTPS
Endpoint VM 4506 TCP from Telegraf Agent to Control Plane
Endpoint VM 4505 TCP from Telegraf Agent to Control Plane
Endpoint VM 5480 TCP VAMI
Endpoint VM 8883 TCP from Telegraf Agent to Control Plane (Emqtt)
Endpoint VM 8999 TCP from Telegraf Agent to Nginx service