Aria Operations에서는 VMware Marketplace를 통해 SNMP Adatper를 제공하고 있습니다.
이 SNMP Adapter를 이용하여, Switch와 같은 Network Device의 모니터링 항목을 Aria Operations에 추가할 수 있습니다.
이를 위해 SNMP Adapter 설치부터 구성까지의 과정을 알아보겠습니다.
[설치 과정]
1. 먼저, 아래 경로에서 PAK 파일을 다운로드 합니다.
VMware Aria Operations Management Pack for SNMP 3.3
2. Aria Operations UI > Data Sources > Integrations > Repository TAB > ADD에서 1번에서 다운로드한 PAK 파일을 지정하고, Upload 합니다.
3. License 확인을 하고, 설치를 진행합니다.
4. 설치가 완료되면 다음과 같이 SNMP Adapter를 확인할 수 있습니다.
[설치 과정]
SNMP Adapter를 설치했으면, 모니터링 하고자 하는 대상에서 SNMP를 활성화하고, SNMP MIB를 통한 특정 OID 값이 조회되는지 확인이 필요합니다.
1. SNMP v3 설정
본 예제에서는 모니터링 대상인 Virtual Router(vyos)를 사용합니다.
vyos@vyos:~$ show version Version: VyOS 1.2.9-S1 Release Train: crux Built by: Built on: Thu 23 Feb 2023 13:47 UTC Build UUID: 31f37177-d137-4df8-93c6-32c4b609b834 Build Commit ID: 93090af8c36584-dirty Architecture: x86_64 Boot via: installed image System type: VMware guest Hardware vendor: VMware, Inc. Hardware model: VMware Virtual Platform Hardware S/N: Unknown Hardware UUID: Unknown Copyright: VyOS maintainers and contributors vyos@vyos:~$ configure [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 engineid '0x0aa0d6c6f450' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup mode 'ro' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup seclevel 'priv' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup view 'defaultview' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 view defaultview oid '1' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth plaintext-key testUserKey1 [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth type 'md5' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 group 'defaultgroup' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 mode 'ro' [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy type aes [edit] vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy plaintext-key testUserKey1 [edit] vyos@vyos# show service snmp v3 { engineid 0x0aa0d6c6f450 group defaultgroup { mode ro seclevel priv view defaultview } user testUser1 { auth { encrypted-key 0x3b68d4162c2c817b8e9dfb6f08583e5d type md5 } group defaultgroup mode ro privacy { encrypted-key 0x3b68d4162c2c817b8e9dfb6f08583e5d type aes } } view defaultview { oid 1 { } } } [edit] |
2. 모니터링 대상 항목 조회 테스트
본 예제에서는 IF-MIB에 있는 Interface 전체 갯수에 대항 항목이 조회 가능한지 확인합니다.
vyos@vyos# snmptranslate . IF-MIB::ifNumber [edit] vyos@vyos# snmpwalk -v3 -u testUser1 -l authPriv -a md5 -A testUserKey1 -x AES -X testUserKey1 IF-MIB::ifNumber IF-MIB::ifNumber.0 = INTEGER: 9 [edit] |
[구성 과정]
1. Account 추가
1번 단계에서 추가한 SNMP Adatper Manager Pack을 이용하여, SNMP Adatper Account를 추가합니다.
Data Sources > Integrations > Add Account > SNMP Adapter
2. 구성 정보 입력
Name에는 일반적으로 모니터링 하는 대상 장비와 MIB를 입력하여 구분합니다.
Start IP와 End IP는 MIB를 이용하여 모니터링 하고자 하는 대상 장비의 IP Address 영역을 설정합니다. 장비 하나를 모니터링 하고자 할 때는 Start IP와 End IP는 동일하게 설정합니다.
Port는 기본으로 161로 설정되어 있으며, 이는 SNMP Standard Port 입니다.
MIB 파일이 가장 중요한데, 모니터링 하고자 하는 항목이 포함된 MIB 파일을 선택해야 합니다.
Build-in 으로 제공하는 MIB 외에 Custom MIB도 사용할 수 있습니다.
Credential은 모니터링 하고자 하는 대상에서 설정한 SNMP Version에 따라서 달라지며, SNMP v2 or v3를 사용하는 경우에는 Credential을 지원해야 합니다.
Credential에서는 Prerequisites 단계에서 설정한 아래 명령어를 참고합니다.
좀 더 자세히 설명하면,
Credential Kind는 SNMPv3를 선택하고,
Credential Name은 SNMP 구성과 상관 없니, Aria Operations에서 Credential을 구분하는 구분자이므로 구분 가능한 이름을 입력하면 됩니다.
Username에는 아래 설정에서 "set service snmp v3 user testUser1" 항목에 있는 testUser1 항목을 이용하고,
Authentication Protocol은 "set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth type 'md5'" 항목 하위에 있는 "type 'md5'"에 지정된 md5로 지정합니다.
Authentication Password는 "set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth plaintext-key testUserKey1"에서 사용한 testUserKey1을 이용하고,
Privacy Protocol은 "set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy type aes" 항목에서 사용한 "type aes"에 지정된 aes로 지정합니다.
Privacy Password는 "set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy plaintext-key testUserKey1"에서 사용한 testUserKey1을 이용합니다.
vyos@vyos:~$ configure vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 engineid '0x0aa0d6c6f450' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup mode 'ro' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup seclevel 'priv' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 group defaultgroup view 'defaultview' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 view defaultview oid '1' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth plaintext-key testUserKey1 vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 auth type 'md5' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 group 'defaultgroup' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 mode 'ro' vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy type aes vyos@vyos# set service snmp v3 user testUser1 privacy plaintext-key testUserKey1 |
이 후 Validate Connection이 정상적으로 통과 하는지 확인합니다.
Validate Connection 테스트를 할 때, Packet을 수집해보면 다음과 같은 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.
Source인은 SNMP Adapter가 동작하는 Cloud Proxy이고,은 모니터링 대상은 Virtual Router 입니다.
SNMP Payload에서는 SNMPv3와 msgAuthoritativeEngineID 값이 위에서 설정한 0x0aa0d6c6f450 값과 동일한 것을 알 수 있습니다.
9124 2023-11-17 06:59:39.397230 SNMP 106 get-request Frame 9124: 106 bytes on wire (848 bits), 106 bytes captured (848 bits) Ethernet II, Src: VMware_a1:6d:31 (00:50:56:a1:6d:31), Dst: VMware_a1:02:2e (00:50:56:a1:02:2e) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 52836, Dst Port: 161 Simple Network Management Protocol msgVersion: snmpv3 (3) msgGlobalData msgID: 155061164 msgMaxSize: 32768 msgFlags: 04 .... .1.. = Reportable: Set .... ..0. = Encrypted: Not set .... ...0 = Authenticated: Not set msgSecurityModel: USM (3) msgAuthoritativeEngineID: <MISSING> msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: 0 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: 0 msgUserName: msgAuthenticationParameters: <MISSING> msgPrivacyParameters: <MISSING> msgData: plaintext (0) plaintext contextEngineID: <MISSING> contextName: data: get-request (0) get-request request-id: 155061164 error-status: noError (0) error-index: 0 variable-bindings: 0 items 9126 2023-11-17 06:59:39.397624 SNMP 137 report Frame 9126: 137 bytes on wire (1096 bits), 137 bytes captured (1096 bits) Ethernet II, Src: VMware_a1:02:2e (00:50:56:a1:02:2e), Dst: VMware_a1:6d:31 (00:50:56:a1:6d:31) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 161, Dst Port: 52836 Simple Network Management Protocol msgVersion: snmpv3 (3) msgGlobalData msgID: 155061164 msgMaxSize: 65507 msgFlags: 00 .... .0.. = Reportable: Not set .... ..0. = Encrypted: Not set .... ...0 = Authenticated: Not set msgSecurityModel: USM (3) msgAuthoritativeEngineID: 0aa0d6c6f450 msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: 1 msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: 18589 msgUserName: msgAuthenticationParameters: <MISSING> msgPrivacyParameters: <MISSING> msgData: plaintext (0) plaintext contextEngineID: 0aa0d6c6f450 contextName: data: report (8) report request-id: 155061164 error-status: noError (0) error-index: 0 variable-bindings: 1 item 9243 2023-11-17 06:59:39.412974 SNMP 164 encryptedPDU: privKey Unknown 9245 2023-11-17 06:59:39.413856 SNMP 166 encryptedPDU: privKey Unknown |
3. Custom Group 생성
이제 Policy에 적용할 Custom Group을 생성해야 합니다.
Environment > Custom Groups > ADD 를 선택한 후, 우선 Group 이름을 입력합니다.
Group Type은 "Environment"로 지정하고, Policy는 본 예제에서는 기본 정책인 "vSphere Solution's Default Policy"를 사용하겠습니다.
다음으로 중요한 항목인 "Objects to always include"에서 SNMP Adapter 항목 하위에 있는 2번 단계에서 사용한 MIB 파일을 지정하면, 모니터링 대상이 확인됩니다.
본 예제에서는 IF-MIB를 사용했기 때문에 IF-MIB를 선택하고 Start IP와 End IP에 설정한 대상이 확인됩니다.
확인된 대상을 클릭하고, ADD 버튼을 눌러 대상을 추가합니다.
4. Policy 설정
전 단계에서 추가한 Custom Group와 모니터링 대상인 장비의 IF-MIB에 기술된 특정 항목을 선택하기 위해 Policy를 수정합니다.
Configure > Policies > Policy Definition > vSphere Solution's Default Policy > Edit
Groups and Objects를 선택하고, 이전 단계에서 생성했던 Custom Group인 "TestGroup"을 선택합니다.
이 후, Metrics and Properties로 이동하여, SNMP Adapter Object 하위에 있는 IF-MIB.mib를 선택하고 실제 모니터링 하고자 하는 항목을 선택한 후 Activated로 바꿔줘야 합니다.
본 예제에서 선택한 항목은 IF-MIB 하위에 있는 OID . 입니다.
5. OID 검증
모니터링 대상 장비에서 Aria Operations를 통해 모니터링 하고자 하는 항목인 OID .를 조회할 수 있는지 검증합니다.
이는 Prerequisites에서 수행한 내용을 참고합니다.
6. Object 확인
일반적인 Collection Interval이 지난 후, 모니터링 하고자 했던 Object가 추가되었는지 확인합니다.
Environment > Object Browser > All Objects > SNMP Adapter > IF-MIB.mib > > Metrics TAB > Merics > IF-MIB ...
다음 화면과 같이 모니터링 하고자 했던 OID . 항목이 확인되며 더블클릭하면, 해당 Object의 수치가 9인 것을 알 수 있습니다.
이는 모니터링 대상 장비에서 snmpwalk 도구를 이용하여 조회했던 수치와 동일한 것을 알 수 있습니다.
7. 로그 확인
이제 SNMP Adatper를 통해서 올바르게 수집하고 있는 행위가 기록되는 로그를 살펴봐야 합니다.
Cloud Proxy의 /storage/log/vcops/log/adapters/SNMPAdapter 하위에 있는 로그 파일에 로그가 기록되도록 하기 위해서는 추가 설정이 필요합니다.
Administration > Support Logs > Cloud Proxy > COLLECTOR > Gear Icon을 클릭한 후, "com.integrien.adapter3.snmp" 항목을 추가하고 Logging Level을 all로 설정합니다.
해당 설정이 적용되고 나면, Collection Interval 마다 다음과 같이 로그가 기록되는 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.
## /storage/log/vcops/log/adapters/SNMPAdapter/SNMPAdapter_3053.log 2023-11-18T14:43:01,776+0000 DEBUG [Task Processor worker thread 10] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onConfigure - host= port=161
2023-11-18T14:43:01,777+0000 DEBUG [Task Processor worker thread 10] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onConfigure - host= port=161 2023-11-18T14:51:21,713+0000 INFO [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.updateSettings - Inside updateSettings method of SNMP Adapter class
2023-11-18T14:51:21,713+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.updateSettings - {url:https://localhost/suite-api,username:f891981f-c1a1-4df1-8dcb-e7f6850e33f8}
2023-11-18T14:51:21,713+0000 INFO [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.getEditionInfo - ********inside getEditionInfo ***********
2023-11-18T14:51:21,913+0000 INFO [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.getEditionInfo - We Got one license which is Advance or Enterprise, So unlocking the Adapter Functionality
2023-11-18T14:51:21,914+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Collection Start Time==========>1700319081713
2023-11-18T14:51:21,914+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Inside onCollect . Number of Monitoring Resources =========>2
2023-11-18T14:51:21,914+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) - Work Count=1
2023-11-18T14:51:21,914+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) - Adding :
2023-11-18T14:51:21,914+0000 DEBUG [SNMPDiscover Threads worker thread 1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPScanner.scanSnmpV3 - Scan SNMP V3 ...
2023-11-18T14:51:22,914+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) - All work items are processed successfully.
2023-11-18T14:51:22,920+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Discovered list is ===========>[com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPHost@b0804f3]
2023-11-18T14:51:22,920+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,936+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,936+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,936+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,936+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,937+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,952+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,952+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,952+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,953+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,953+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,968+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,968+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,968+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,968+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,968+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,983+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,984+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,984+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,984+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:22,984+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:22,999+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,000+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,000+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,000+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,000+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,015+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,016+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,016+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,016+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{.0=14}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,016+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,031+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,031+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,032+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,032+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,032+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,047+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,047+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,047+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,047+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{.0=VyOS 1.2.9-S1}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Resource Configuration is ===========>{resId=null, resName=, resKind=IF-MIB.mib, adKind=SNMPAdapter}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.addResource - Resource already exists {resName=, resKind=IF-MIB.mib, adKind=SNMPAdapter, ids={HostIP=, Port=161}}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Resource Configuration List is ===========>[{resId=null, resName=, resKind=IF-MIB.mib, adKind=SNMPAdapter}]
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.metric.MetricDataProcessor.collect - Started adding metrics to each resource.
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPScanner.scanSnmpV3 - Scan SNMP V3 ...
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.metric.MetricDataProcessor.collect - Started adding metrics to each resource.
2023-11-18T14:51:23,048+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPScanner.scanSnmpV3 - Scan SNMP V3 ...
2023-11-18T14:51:23,066+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.metric.MetricDataProcessor.collect - Number of Resource Groups for resource Config {resId=3057, resName=, resKind=IF-MIB.mib, adKind=SNMPAdapter}===============>4
2023-11-18T14:51:23,067+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,070+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.metric.MetricDataProcessor.collect - Number of Resource Groups for resource Config {resId=3055, resName=, resKind=SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB.mib, adKind=SNMPAdapter}===============>4
2023-11-18T14:51:23,071+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,082+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,083+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,083+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,083+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,083+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,086+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,086+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,087+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Mib Fetch Data is===========>{}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,087+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executing Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,098+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.handleMsg - Map Inside handleMsg Method=========={0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,099+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,099+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,099+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-1] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{0=9}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,102+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - Executed Snmp Get subtree command
2023-11-18T14:51:23,102+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPMIBLookup.fetchData - SNMP MIB Look Up Map ===========>{}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,102+0000 DEBUG [SNMPAdapter-pool-452-thread-2] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPNodeInfo.getResult - SNMP NOde Ifo Result Map is===========>{}
2023-11-18T14:51:23,102+0000 INFO [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.collectMetrics - Completed metric collection.
2023-11-18T14:51:23,102+0000 DEBUG [Collector worker thread 5] (3053) com.integrien.adapter3.snmp.SNMPAdapter.onCollect - Collection end Time==========>1700319083102
이제 모니터링 하고자 하는 대상 장비의 특정 항목을 SNMP를 통해 Collection이 가능해졌기 때문에 이 정보를 이용하여 Alert을 추가로 구성할 수 있습니다.
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